We will continue our series Monday, March 3rd from 5-6 PM with the following two speakers:
Arun Hendi, Demography: "Trends in U.S. Life Expectancy Gradients: The Role of Changing Educational Composition."
Theresa Fedor, Demography: “Changing Attitudes and Beliefs towards HIV/AIDS: The Effect of Differential Exposure to HIV Prevention Programs.”
Dinner and drinks will be provided!! Please RSVP using this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1aTpJWWihFCDj5jxq8X0LxS1cKVA3-Lo9e9ZwTogxH9M/viewform
Dinner and drinks will be provided!! Please RSVP using this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1aTpJWWihFCDj5jxq8X0LxS1cKVA3-Lo9e9ZwTogxH9M/viewform