Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Intersections: Cross-Cultural Theater in Germany and the U.S.

Thursday, March 20, 2014 
Montgomery Theater, Annenberg Center for Performing Arts
3680 Walnut Street

5:00p Scenes from Özdamar's plays
Staged by Ibrahim Miari, University of Pennsylvania

Reception to follow in Montgomery Theater Lobby

Friday, March 21, 2014 
Benjamin Franklin Room, Houston Hall, 2nd Floor
3417 Spruce Street

9 - 9:30a Welcome and coffee

9:30 - 9:45a Opening remarks

9:45 - 10:55a
Exile in Translation: E.S. Özdamar Shifts the Greenwich  Meridian of Literature Azade Seyhan, Bryn Mawr College
Postmigrant Performance at the Ballhays Naunynstraße Katrin Sieg, Georgetown University

10:55a - 12:05p
Socio-Artistic Collaboration between Germany and Turkey Pieter Verstraete, Sabanci University, Istanbul
After Diaspora, "Beyond Belonging": Assessing the Future of Citizenship from a Noncitizen Stage Damani Partridge, University of Michigan

12:05 - 1:20p Lunch break

1:30 - 3:05p
Rethinking Desert: Ethnicity, Space, and Latino Theater Jon D. Rossini, University of California at Davis
Jewish Theater in the U.S. Today Michael C. Steinfels, Gratz College

From Samarqand to San Francisco, Nasrudin Hoja's Theatrical Evolution Torange Yeghiazarian, Golden Thread Productions, San Francisco

3:05 - 3:35p Coffee break

3:35 - 4:45p
Enacted Migration in Emine Sevgi Özdamar's "The Bridge of the Golden Horn" Ortrud Gutjahr, University of Hamburg
Theater Works: The Interplay of Genres in Özdamar's Oeuvre Yasemin Dayioglu-Yücel, University of Pennsylvania

5 - 6p Reading by Emine Sevgi Özdamar with Q&A, in German

Saturday, March 22, 2014 
Annenberg Center for Performing Arts
3680 Walnut Street

10 - 10:30a
Post Migrant Theater and Cultural Politics in Germany Nora Haack, Theater Ballhaus Naunynstraße, Berlin Montgomery Theater

10:30a - 12p
Roundtable Discussion: Cross-Cultural theater in Germany and the U.S.
 Nora Haack, Theater Ballhaus Naunynstraße, Berlin
 Robert Smythe, Temple University
 Ibrahim Miari, University of Pennsylvania
 Ortrud Gutjahr, University of Hamburg
 Moderator: Marcia Ferguson, University of Pennsylvania
 Montgomery Theater

12 - 1p Lunch reception in Studio Lobby

1 - 2p Conversation with Emine Sevgi Özdamar on Intersections of  Theater and Literature Room 511, Annenberg Center for Performing Arts

2 - 3p Coffee break

2:30 - 4p Theater Workshop Caroline Weist, University of Pennsylvania